
Woven into the very fabric of our story is a servant’s heart. It’s been this way when Libby’s was just an “idea”. When we opened the doors in 2014, not only were we excited about owning a women’s clothing boutique but equally passionate about using it for a greater purpose!
From that moment, our focus has always been to give where needed. Currently, we are LIVE daily during the noon hour. “Lunch with Lib”! It is during this time we make a conscious effort to use part of our proceeds to help an individual, a family, a group, or an organization. This could look like giving to our local animal shelter, church camp for kids, or helping someone who is experiencing hardship.
If you’ve followed us for any length of time, you’ll soon recognize our passion for children living in orphanages. Paige and I both have adopted children who were once orphans, have had many of them in our home over the years, and do significant work with organizations and families hosting or adopting orphans. Without a doubt, Jesus has called us to be His hands and feet in this area.
“You give because you’re blessed, and you’re blessed because you give.”
Oh how God has blessed our boutique in ways we could never achieve on our own.